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Kybella® is an FDA-approved injectable used to get rid of fat in the submental (chin and neck) area, providing you with a more sleek and youthful jawline. If you are looking for ways to get rid of the infamous “turkey neck” in Manhattan or want a more defined jawline in NYC, Aviva Preminger, MD, has options. While Kybella® is a quick procedure with virtually zero downtime, it may not be the right procedure for you. When you meet with Dr. Preminger for your consultation, you can explore other options to see which one fits you best. But, here are five facts about Kybella® that may help you decide if it is the right solution for you.

It is non-surgical

Many adults, both men, and women alike desire a sculpted, defined jawline but don’t always have the time, or the money, to commit to extensive plastic surgery. Thankfully, you don’t have to. Kybella® is non-surgical and requires no incisions, which means that you can resume your routine almost immediately following your procedure, although you may have some mild swelling for a couple of days.

It destroys fat cells permanently

The active ingredient in Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, which the body naturally produces to help absorb fat and break down fat from what we eat. As we age, our body produces less of this compound, which is why localized fat forms, and is more difficult to get rid of just by eating healthy and exercising. Besides, you can’t really exercise your chin anyways, which makes an injectable like Kybella® ideal for melting away submental fat. Once destroyed by Kybella®, those fat cells won’t form again, although new ones can form without continuing a healthy lifestyle. 

You may need multiple injections

Every case is different, and while some patients may see dramatic results after one injection, most go on to receive additional injections spaced at one-month increments. Patients who receive 2-4 Kybella® injections saw the most improvement.

Here is the percentage of patients who saw positive results after their injection:

  • One session: 8%
  • Two sessions: 28%
  • Three sessions: 43%
  • Four sessions: 55%
  • Five sessions: 66%
  • Six sessions: 72%

When you meet with Dr. Preminger, she will asses your beauty needs and determine how many injections will be best for you.

The injections are quite tolerable by most

Let’s face it, we can’t really say that getting an injection in your chin is going to be easy peasy, but, most patients tolerate the injections quite well. To help you remain comfortable, we can apply a numbing cream to your skin beforehand. You may experience some mild swelling that peaks about 24 hours after your injection. Just apply an ice pack to the affected area for about 10-15 minutes at a time. Swelling usually resolves in as little as two days, which brings us to our next point.

It has minimal downtime

Unlike surgical treatments that may require significant downtime and multiple days missed from work, Kybella® comes with little to no downtime. While you may experience some mild swelling, it doesn’t last long, and you could still go about your routine. If you prefer to manage your swelling while at home so that co-workers and friends are not privy to your recent injections, then you could schedule your appointment toward the end of the week or just plan to take a couple of days off from work.

Kybella® for Double Chin in Manhattan

If you would like to learn more about Kybella®, check out the official manufacture’s website, or schedule a consultation with Dr. Preminger by calling (212) 706-1900. Dr. Preminger welcomes patients from NYC, including Manhattan and the Upper East Side.

Posted on behalf of Preminger Plastic Surgery

969 Park Ave., Suite 1E
New York, NY 10028

Phone: (212) 706-1900


Monday - Friday
9:00 - 5:00

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If you are ready to make a change to your appearance, choose the best plastic surgeon and cosmetic team for your procedure. Aviva Preminger, MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers intricate procedures to reshape the face, breasts and body, as well as rejuvenating treatments to look your best at every age.

Contact us today at our office in Manhattan to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Preminger and begin your journey to feeling and looking your best!

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