Daddy Do-Over
Many dads are dissatisfied with the sagging and extra padding of middle age. Now you can get your younger body back.
Wondering how a Daddy Do-Over can boost your self-confidence? Get details from Dr. Preminger.
What is a Daddy Do-Over?
From dads who have gained a little bit of “sympathy weight” during their wife’s pregnancy, to those who have had hormonal age-related changes taking place, men are increasingly exploring plastic surgery options to regain their youthful appearance. Dr. Preminger routinely provides satisfying cosmetic solutions to male patients who are established in their careers, but uncomfortable in their own skin.
Women have traditionally explored tummy tucks, liposuction and other cosmetic procedures to bounce back from pregnancy. But what about the men? Cosmetic procedures for men are on the rise, with an astounding 106% growth between 1997 and 2012. The middle years of life are the ideal time to take charge of your looks and become the man you have always wanted to be. There is no shortage of options at the Manhattan office of Dr. B. Aviva Preminger, MD, when you are looking to chisel your figure and put your finest face forward.
Male breast reduction
Middle-age male breast growth is surprisingly common, affecting between 40 and 50 percent of men. Enlargement of the breasts is common during the hormonal storm of puberty, but often comes back again during the middle and later years of life. There are several ways for a man to re-sculpt his chest to achieve a well-defined, attractive contour. Male breast reduction surgery is one option. The breast tissue and fat are permanently removed — although weight gain, steroid use, hormone disorders, or tumor development could lead to a recurrence of gynecomastia. Male breast reduction surgery is done in less than an hour, with patients returning to work in one week.
Male Chest Liposuction
Male chest liposuction is another option for men looking to reduce the appearance of breasts. The procedure is different from breast reduction surgery in that it only removes fat – not excess breast tissue. Liposuction removes liquefied fat through a small tube with gentle vacuum suction. Most patients get work done on a Friday and return to work on Monday.
What Causes Male Gynecomastia?
Male breast enlargement, called “gynecomastia” in medical circles, is usually the result of low testosterone levels or hormone imbalance that naturally occurs later in life. It can also happen as a side effect of drugs like anti-ulcer medication, anti-depressants, steroids, and recreational drugs like marijuana or amphetamines. Hormone therapies for prostate cancer and increases of body fat are common culprits.
Finally, illnesses like pituitary insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, liver failure, tumor development, hypogonadism, or malnutrition can also lead to breast development in men, so it’s important to have a full physical from your physician to rule out medical causes that can, if treated, resolve a man’s breast enlargement.
Liposuction for men
The chest isn’t the only area of localized fat for aging men. The lower abdomen can be a troublesome zone as well. Many men find that the flanks (love handles) and the abdomen are the last holdouts for fat deposits, despite dietary modifications and commitment to exercise. Male liposuction can be the ideal solution to safely, effectively rid the body of the last 11 pounds of localized fat. Men’s liposuction is done in less than an hour, under general or local anesthesia, using a cannula and vacuum tube inserted through small incisions in the abdomen.
Patients report a vibrating sensation, along with some mild pressure. Some tenderness is experienced immediately following the procedure, but any discomfort is easily managed with over-the-counter medication. Men can return to work the same day if local anesthesia is used or the following day if general anesthesia is used. Workouts may be resumed in about a week, when the incision site is healed. Each year, more than 23,000 men have fat removed this way.
Male eyelid surgery
Tired of being told you “look tired” all the time? Of all the plastic surgeries done to the face, few have as dramatic an effect as blepharoplasty. With a couple minor incisions and tightening of the tissues, you can be rid of puffy eye circles and droopy upper eyelids. The end result is a more youthful, friendlier, and well-rested looking countenance overall. The procedure takes 1-2 hours under local or general anesthesia, with patients back to work in a week.