Tubular Breast Deformity Surgery
Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, but certain shapes can be caused by abnormalities in the breast formation. A tubular breast deformity refers to breasts that have a congenital birth defect that impacts breast development. This is not a genetic or hereditary condition, so it does not run in families. Due to the unusual appearance, many women feel self-conscious of tuberous breasts and seek cosmetic breast surgery. Dr. Aviva Preminger is a board certified plastic surgeon who offers tubular breast deformity surgery through her practice on the UES of NYC.
Symptoms of Tuberous Breasts
Called tuberous, conical or constricted breasts, a tubular breast deformity can be mild to severe. The main component of tuberous breasts is the narrow base, which creates the tubular or conical shape. Tubular breast deformity has a few other symptoms that can accompany the long, conical shape, including:
- Asymmetry
- Puffy or enlarged areolas
- Smaller or underdeveloped breasts
- Higher breast crease
- Breasts spaced farther apart
The smaller, uneven breasts with the herniated areolas and elongated shape are the tell-tale signs of tubular breast deformity. Beyond the appearance, the breast defect does not cause any pain or discomfort, but in some cases, it can impact breast feeding. Some women with tuberous breasts may have underdeveloped glands and ducts, restricting milk production for breast feeding. The largest concern with tuberous breasts is the impact on the individual’s self-confidence and esteem.
Tuberous Breast Correction
Tubular breast deformity surgery is used to correct certain cosmetic defects to create symmetrical, well-shaped breasts. In this breast correction surgery, the areolas and breasts can be reshaped, and the breast crease lowered to create rounder, even breasts. Dr. Preminger begins each procedure with an extensive consultation and exam to determine the options available for each patient. She will discuss how the breasts can be reshaped and options for increasing or balancing size with augmentation.
If you have a tubular breast deformity, plastic surgery can be the solution to create symmetrical, beautiful breasts for improved self-confidence. To learn more, contact our team at the practice of Dr. Aviva Preminger to schedule a consultation at our clinic in Manhattan.