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Plastic Surgery for Men

More than ever, men are turning to plastic surgery for rejuvenation of body and revitalization of soul.

Male Cosmetic Surgery

Long gone are the days when cosmetic surgery was thought to be primarily for women. Men in growing numbers have begun turning to cosmetic procedures as a means to regain the healthy, youthful, energized appearance they once enjoyed.

Not only does a rejuvenated look boost self-esteem in social settings, in can also provide a much-needed edge in the world of business, something on which men everywhere tend to place a real premium.

To learn more about how Dr. Preminger can develop a treatment plan meant to turn back the clock, give you the confidence necessary to succeed and do so while also minimizing recovery time, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.

Breast reduction for men

Gynecomastia, a condition marked by the development of breast tissue in males, can cause a great degree of embarrassment and discomfort for men afflicted by it. Breast development in men can be the result of genetic factors, and it has also been linked to the use of certain prescription medications. Fortunately, there is no reason for anyone to continue suffering from the unpleasant effects of gynecomastia.

Dr. Preminger offers several treatment options able to eliminate excessive tissue and fat while providing attractive contours to the body. Incisions, when necessary, are typically minimal in nature, and it is possible for patients to resume normal activity soon after their procedure.

Male liposuction

Another popular male cosmetic surgery option is that of traditional liposuction. The fastest-growing cosmetic procedure for men, liposuction is a treatment meant to address pockets of fat that have proved to be stubborn and resistant to traditional adjustments in diet and exercise. It can also be an effective means for treating gynecomastia.

During a liposuction procedure, protruding deposits of fat are loosened, separated and removed from the body through the use of suction. This technique is ideal for targeting accumulations of fat in the midsection, thighs, buttocks and beneath the chin area.


When genetics and simple fluctuations in weight fail to show off the toned, flat abs they work so hard for in the gym, men are increasingly turning to the “male tummy tuck” or abdominoplasty as a way to achieve their dreams of having that visible six-pack.

This procedure works to eliminate excess amounts of fat and skin while also tightening abdominal muscles that have grown lax over time. The end result is a defined, contoured midsection patients of all ages covet.

Abdominoplasty is an option for men of a wide variety of body types, provided they are in good general health and are realistic about the limitations of the surgery. Results are noticeable immediately and will only improve in the weeks following the procedure. With proper maintenance through diet and exercise, it is possible for the effects of the male tummy tuck to last for years.

Necklift & Facelift for Men

Whether due to lifestyle choices, sun exposure, gravity or the simple passage of time, all of us are vulnerable to the signs of facial aging. Men are no exception. The jawline tends to lose its chiseled edge to ever-increasing chin folds. Wrinkles often begin to develop around the eyes and mouth while skin slackening saps away the glow of youth. Fortunately, a facelift procedure, also known as rhytidectomy, can provide just the solution men throughout New York are seeking. Dr. Preminger possesses vast experience performing this procedure for both women and men, skillfully repositioning the skin, fat and muscle of the face to produce a firmer, smoother and tighter appearance. Though the recovery process for a full facelift is somewhat lengthier than for other male plastic surgery procedures, the impressive results make it worthwhile for many.
As the years go by, fat accumulation, loosening skin and muscle cording can cause a previously sharp, masculine jawline to transform into something far less desirable. In some cases, skin laxity and excessive fat in the neck area can be caused by genetic factors that affect even younger males. A necklift procedure performed by Dr. Preminger can alleviate problems caused by sagging skin, eliminate unwanted fat deposits and restore the strong profile you have been missing. Less invasive and requiring a shorter recovery time than a full facelift, this procedure is often favored by men who are unable to set aside substantial downtime and must return to normal activities quickly.

Smart Lipo

“Smart” or laser liposuction is a state-of-the-art technique offering precision sculpting through the use of a powerful beam of light. The laser used in this type of procedure acts to rupture and liquefy excess fat cells while leaving adjacent nerves, tissues and blood cells unharmed. Once ruptured, the fat cells are suctioned out of the body with a tiny cannula, leaving no scarring behind.

Laser liposuction is extremely popular among men who seek fat reduction combined with a renewed tightness and contoured appearance. Many patients elect to undergo laser liposuction on multiple areas of the body during a single procedure, particularly if they wish to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible amount of time.

"Men have just as much concern about their physical imperfections as women. It's been only until recently however, that they have begun talking and doing something about it. And it's great that they are!"
B. Aviva Preminger, MD

Male cosmetic procedures in Manhattan

More men than ever before are discovering the life-changing benefits of cosmetic procedures. Though it is true that just about everyone wants to look and feel younger and more vibrant, male patients often bring a distinct set of considerations to bear. It is often the case that men are motivated to return to work and normal activities sooner than some female patients and are unable to fit lengthy recovery periods into their schedules. In addition, men are less likely to wear makeup as a means to cover imperfections during the healing process, leading them to favor procedures that are less invasive in nature. Dr. Preminger understands these priorities and works to develop a treatment plan that accommodates them.

If you would like to avail yourself of the transformational opportunities cosmetic surgery can afford men of all ages and body types, call (212) 706-1900 or contact us online to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Preminger.

Request a consultation today.

Whether you are ready to jump right in or still have questions, we can help.

If you are ready to make a change to your appearance, choose the best plastic surgeon and cosmetic team for your procedure. Aviva Preminger, MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers intricate procedures to reshape the face, breasts and body, as well as rejuvenating treatments to look your best at every age.

Contact us today at our office in Manhattan to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Preminger and begin your journey to feeling and looking your best!

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