Kybella® NYC
Kybella® is the latest treatment for chin and neck fat, eliminating a “double chin” without the need for liposuction or surgery.
Is Kybella® one of the best option for you? Make an informed decision with Dr. Preminger.
Kybella® injections
Kybella® is an exciting new injectable that treats under chin and neck fat. FDA approved in April 2015, the drug was first developed and manufactured by Kythera Biopharmaceuticals in California, which is now owned by Botox® maker Allergan. According to Fierce Biotech, Kybella® is a synthetic form of “natural deoxycholic acid, which the body produces to help break down fat.” When injected into the body, Kybella® destroys local fat cells.
“Basically, what it’s doing is disrupting the fat cell membrane,” explains Derek H. Jones, clinical associate professor of dermatology at UCLA who has conducted research on Kybella®. “As soon as it hits, it causes lysis—or destroys the cell membrane. After that, the fat cell releases its fatty contents and the body metabolizes the fatty contents as normal.”
The total number of treatments required to see results vary from patient to patient, but in general, plastic surgeons tell WebMD they can vary from 12-20 injections per 15-minute visit, with two or three visits spaced a month apart. The FDA says that patients may receive “up to 50 injections in a single treatment, with up to six single treatments no less than a month apart.”

Kybella® cost
For those wondering about the Kybella® price range, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) indicates that the cost is comparable to dermal fillers like Juvederm® and Restylane. The Inquisitr states that “there will be a large market for the double chin shot since it does not require invasive surgery and it is actually cheaper than a facelift or a neck lift.”
The cost of Kybella® injections will vary with each patient depending on the size of the area being treated on how many injections you receive. Dr. Preminger offers a variety of financing options and payment plans to make Kybella® treatment affordable to her patients. Just ask to see which financing arrangement might be right for you.
Kybella® risks & recovery
The most commonly cited Kybella® side effects are temporary swelling, pain, numbness and bruising, but these issues usually resolve within 48 to 72 hours. The first treatment tends to be more uncomfortable than subsequent treatments, with swelling less pronounced. Small areas of hardness in the treatment area are often reported as the body processes fat and cellular debris for removal, but these nodules are not visible and do go away in time.
Serious risks may include nerve injury in the jaw that leads to an uneven smile, facial muscle weakness and difficulty swallowing. In formal studies, 4.3 percent of patients suffered nerve injury that left them with asymmetrical smiles for an average of 42 days and 2 percent reported difficulty swallowing for a few days.
Dermatologists warn that the skin can be injured if the product is not properly injected into the fat tissue. Skin cells can be destroyed or the skin can become hardened as a result. Patients must exercise due diligence in choosing well-trained doctors for the procedures, reports the NY Times.
As with anything, not everyone is a good candidate for this cosmetic procedure. The FDA warns: “Kybella® should not be used outside of the submental area, and it should not be used if there is an infection at the injection site. Caution should also be used in patients who have had prior surgical or aesthetic treatment of the submental area.” The drug is not approved for children under age 18 and has not been studied on pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.
Furthermore, patients with excess fat and loose skin may still need a neck lift after fat is reduced with the shot. A patient consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who does Kybella® injections, liposuction and chin lifts is one of the best way to identify which procedures will be most effective for a particular individual.
Contact our office today to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Preminger.