Breast Reduction
For any woman who has suffered physical discomfort due to very large breasts— shoulder, back, or neck pain, skin irritation- reduction mammoplasty provides relief and a new-found freedom to enjoy a wider range of physical activities.
Reducing breast size in proper proportion to body size creates an entirely new body contour.
Manhattan Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery is one of the most time-efficient plastic surgery procedures a woman can undergo and yields profoundly positive effects.
For the woman whose large breasts cause her emotional or social anxiety, breast reduction surgery can provide a beautiful, proportioned appearance and a rebirth of confidence and positive self-image.
Dr. Preminger’s New York breast reduction patients are now living the active, healthy, socially confident life they always dreamed of—proud of their appearance, physically active and able to dress in any style they choose.
“Many women suffer from large breasts that are very heavy and actually interfere with physical activity like going to the gym and running,” explains Dr. Preminger. “They can actually cause the patient significant back pain and what we call ‘shoulder grooving’ from their bra straps.”
“So many women with this problem actually seek to have their breasts reduced. And most of the women who have the procedure done wonder why they waited so long to do it.”
“Most patients are back at work at about a week, and back to full physical activities and back at the gym at about a month. They’re amazed as to how much easier it is for them to actually work out, fit into clothing that they want to wear, and just feel comfortable about themselves.”
If breast reduction is a procedure you’ve been considering, an initial consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Preminger will help you understand the surgery and how it is actually done.
It’s important in your consultation to speak honestly about why you are considering breast reduction surgery and what you hope to accomplish with the procedure. What size breasts do you desire? How much can your breasts safely be reduced? What size will be most proportionate to the size of the rest of your body?
Nipple and areolar repositioning are common in larger breast reduction procedures and will incur more scarring. How can the scarring be minimized? The doctor will carefully listen to your hopes and concerns, and ensure your expectations are realistic.
Dr. Preminger will then explain the various types of breast reduction procedures that are available and which option she feels will work best for you. Surgical complications, though quite uncommon, can arise—infection, bleeding, or anesthesia reactions. General anesthesia is indicated for breast reduction surgery and is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.
To determine which breast reduction technique will be used, Dr. Preminger will take a series of measurements to assess the volume, symmetry, and sag of your breasts, the positioning of the nipples, and the degree of skin elasticity.