An article in The New York Daily News spotlights a rising trend in plastic surgery among millennials – people who are barely into their 30’s. There are approximately 80 million millennials in the United States, and though few are old enough to sport a furrowed brow or wrinkled forehead, they are seeking cosmetic enhancements in droves.
In a survey conducted by The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 64 percent of doctors polled said they have seen a sharp uptick in patients under the age of 30. Many young patients are taking cues from TV personalities like Kylie Jenner, who famously plumped up her lips at the tender age of 18. In fact, 82 percent of surgeons polled said that celebrities influence cosmetic surgery trends.
Remember how Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian’s curvy bottoms motivated thousands of women to get butt augmentation? “Pillowy lips, creaseless foreheads and a slavish devotion to selfies have created this perfect storm of fake faces,” reports Jacqueline Cutler in the Daily News.
Millennials influenced by social media
Ms. Jenner has nearly 50 million Instagram followers, who are clearly inspired by the starlet’s evolving appearance. “Social media has made changes in people’s looks, in their approach, in their discussion of plastic surgery and the new millennials are attuned to social media,” opined one plastic surgeon in the NY Daily News.
Besides wanting to look their best on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pics, millennials are also heavily into taking selfies, which can reveal even the slightest wrinkle or blemish under certain lights and angles.
What types of cosmetic procedures are millennials requesting? A lot of patients in their late teens and early 20s want to keep their skin as smooth and line-free as possible. Enter Botox – one of one of the best wrinkle-erasers available. A few quick (and painless) injections around the corners of the eyes and forehead can stop wrinkles from developing and relax creases that have already formed.
Non-invasive treatments popular
Younger patients are also availing themselves of other non-invasive procedures like chemical peels, lasers and soft tissue injectables – cost-effective treatments that can be performed during a lunch hour.
In the scope of surgical enhancements, reports show that millennials are getting liposuction, rhinoplasty and breast surgeries – either reduction or breast augmentation.
But is this desire for plastic surgery at such a young age safe and healthy? Some say that millennials should be careful not to go overboard too early with injections. “Procedures like overly plumped lips and a frozen forehead can actually age you beyond your years,” cautions Dr. Edwin Williams III.
Are millennials too young for cosmetic surgery?
As a cautionary tale, some point to the plastic surgery transformation of Heidi Montag, of the reality show, The Hills. At the age of 23, Heidi had ten procedures performed in just one day. After her nose revision, brow lift, breast implants, ear pinning and liposuction, Montag looked visibly older and drew criticism for her actions. She recently told several media outlets she is “done with it all” and now wants to age gracefully.
In New York City, plastic surgeon Dr. B. Aviva Preminger is also seeing a younger demographic of patients — some of whom approach cosmetic surgery with unrealistic expectations. Dr. Preminger looks for healthy motivations when determining candidacy for plastic surgery.
To discuss your personal cosmetic surgery goals with Dr. Preminger, you can request a consultation online or call 212-706-1900.
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