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The best liposuction candidates are people who eat healthy and exercise, but who have one or two persistent pockets of fat they just can’t burn off. The majority of liposuction patients are within 10% of their appropriate BMI (Body Mass Index). While liposuction removes fat cells forever, it cannot remove every single fat cell from the body, so it is always possible to regain the fat you’ve had removed if you are not diligent about maintaining your results.

Here are some great lifestyle habits to follow to maintain the results of your liposuction:

Find a way to stay active

Half of liposuction patients will gain the 2-3 pounds of abdominal fat they had removed within six months, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism from July 2012. However, the other half of patients studied became more physically fit than they were prior to the procedure. Researcher Dr. Fabiana Braga Benatti of the University of São Paulo summarized: “If someone chooses to undergo liposuction, it is very important, if not essential, that this person exercises after the surgery.”

Find a way to work in cardiovascular exercise and weight-lifting three times a week. Just walking or jogging for 40 minutes on the treadmill, along with “light weight training,” is enough to maintain results. Get a buddy to join you, and stick with it! Nothing beats exercise when it comes to maintaining a slim silhouette.

Mind your eating habits

We all have our Achilles heel when it comes to eating, but knowing yours and trying to maintain moderation is one of the best thing you can do for yourself when trying to maintain liposuction results.

For starters:

  • Cut down on simple carbohydrates like pasta, rice, and bread.
  • Eat less sugar and saturated fat.
  • Rely on fresh fruits and vegetables to make up the bulk of your diet.
  • Keep your blood sugar levels balanced by choosing complex carbohydrates like whole grains.
  • Eat lean protein like seafood, skinless poultry, dairy, beans, and soy.
  • Drink 8 cups of water a day.
  • Don’t skip meals, but do eat smaller meals throughout the day to prevent overeating.

Most people find the quickest way to lose weight is to limit carbohydrates to 20 grams or less per day. They skip sugars like white or brown sugar, honey, syrup, molasses, beer, milk, flavored yogurt, fruit juice, and fruit that is high on the glycemic index. They avoid starches like rice, cereal, flour, bread, pasta, muffins, bagels, crackers, and starchy vegetables like black beans, carrots, corn, peas, parsnips, and potatoes. Instead, they load up on low-carb vegetables like salad greens, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, radishes, mushrooms, peas, and squash.

Make sleep a priority

Brigham Young University researchers found that people who maintain a regular sleep routine have a lower percentage of body fat than people who keep irregular hours. Variances as little as 90 minutes can impact how much fat one’s body stores.

In researching 300 female college students ages 19 to 26, they found that getting less than 6.5 hours of sleep or more than 8.5 hours of sleep was linked to higher body fat percentages. For one of the best results, develop a consistent sleep and wake time, 7 days a week.

Another study of obese women ages 35 to 55 who were undergoing a weight loss program found that getting adequate, quality sleep increased their odds of weight loss success by 33 percent. Researchers believe sleep aids in appetite suppression, hormone regulation, and metabolism – all essential to sustained weight loss.

Questions about liposuction in NYC?

“I have worked with many patients who have told me how disheartening it is to put in the work and the sweat, but still have these stubborn love handles, flabby thighs, or abdominal pouch hanging around,” says Dr. B. Aviva Preminger. “Plateaus can be huge motivation killers, but I find that most of my patients are motivated to work out a little harder when they see the thinner body in the mirror after liposuction!”

Contact the office of Dr. B. Aviva Preminger for a consultation and to find out if liposuction is the answer you’ve been looking for.


– See more at: http://premingermd.com/liposuction-procedure/maintain-results-liposuction/#sthash.q7Xb50vY.dpuf

Posted on behalf of Preminger Plastic Surgery

969 Park Ave., Suite 1E
New York, NY 10028

Phone: (212) 706-1900


Monday - Friday
9:00 - 5:00

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If you are ready to make a change to your appearance, choose the best plastic surgeon and cosmetic team for your procedure. Aviva Preminger, MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery offers intricate procedures to reshape the face, breasts and body, as well as rejuvenating treatments to look your best at every age.

Contact us today at our office in Manhattan to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Preminger and begin your journey to feeling and looking your best!

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