If you are considering getting a breast augmentation in New York City, you probably have some questions about your procedure. While meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to have all of your questions answered and to make sure that your specific needs are met, we have provided you with some answers to frequently asked questions that you may be wondering about when it comes to breast augmentation.
Why are breast implants placed under the muscle?
While there is the option of placing the implant over the chest muscle, the conscience is that generally, placing the implant behind the muscle has these advantages:
- Looks more natural
- Does not interfere with mammogram
- Implant remains softer
Keep in mind that your plastic surgeon will discuss the advantages of both procedures.
How is rippling of the implant prevented?
This is partly due to the type of implant that is chosen before your surgery. When you meet with your Manhattan plastic surgeon, Dr. B. Aviva Preminger, she will provide a thorough assessment to recommend the ideal type of implant for your body type. Not over or under filling the implant is another factor to prevent rippling. Also, placing the implant under the muscle is more likely to decrease rippling of the implant. Having a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your breast augmentation surgery is the ideal way to achieve your new look, and minimize the potential rippling effect.
If a silicone implant ruptures, does it need to be replaced?
Yes, mostly because the silicone can cause small masses that resemble breast tumors. If a silicone gel implant ruptures, it can be detected via an MRI or radiographic imaging. You should resolve to have your implant replaced within several months of it rupturing. Whether or not your implant ruptures, both silicone and saline implants should be replaced every 10-15 years.
I have sagging breasts, should I opt for a high-profile or moderate-profile, or get a breast lift?
This entirely depends on the degree of which your breast sag. You could undergo a breast lift with or without implants. However, if you desire a bit more fullness in your breasts, then moderate-profile breast implants may be an option. This is definitely something that you should discuss with your plastic surgeon before receiving implants, as sometimes a breast lift may be all that is needed to achieve your desired results.
What causes one breast to be soft and the other one hard after receiving implants?
When breasts harden after receiving implants, this is due in part to capsular contracture. It is a very rare condition that is not harmful. Saline implants placed under the chest muscle are least likely to experience capsular contracture. You can decrease the risk of this occurring by massaging your breasts periodically for the first 6-8 weeks post surgery. Sometimes, a buildup of scar tissue causes the implant to harden. A simple outpatient surgery to release the scar tissue can be performed.
These are certainly not all of the questions you probably have regarding breast augmentation. It is best to always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon before undergoing any form of cosmetic or plastic surgery. At Preminger Plastic Surgery, we take time to listen to you and understand your desires for improving your looks and your self-confidence.
Breast Augmentation in New York City
Ready to learn more about breast augmentation? Located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City, Preminger Plastic Surgery is a boutique practice dedicated to serving all of your aesthetic plastic surgery needs. Dr. B. Aviva Preminger’s goal with all of her patients is to provide you with a truly individualized treatment plan that reflects your personal cosmetic surgery goals. For more information, please call us at 866-201-9828.
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Email: info@premingermd.com
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